Tag Archives: Claire Hart
Open Studios at Vanguard Court, 21 June 2014
Jewellery delights at Flux Winter Open Studios 2013
Flux Studios Jewellery Exhibition, winter 2013 – Vanguard Court Open Studios
Sparkling Jewellery for Christmas – Flux Open Studios 2013
Beautiful jewellery to buy and commission, by London’s award-winning jewellers at Flux Studios.
Flux Studio membership – Professional studio membership for jewellers. ‘a uniquely vibrant and enriching centre for independent jewellers’
Tutti Frutti – Rare Beauty
With it’s intoxicating Flower Market, Fabulous Gastronomic Pubs, Delicious Food Bars and Restaurants and Grooovy People Columbia Road is the best weekend destination this October!
And of course you’ll find us showing our beautiful jewels among the flowers at Numberninetyfour ….
2011 review – a year at Flux
There is much for me to be thankful for, everything to be pleased about…
And here, 3 years after its inception, is a shining example of Flux Studios at its best, achieving all its objectives:
Flux students are inspired to learn more and explore the possibilities of becoming professionals, and become members…
Graduates become members to develop collections and business skills to promote and sell their work….
Members are supported to explore their market through open studios and exhibitions…
Members are given opportunities to develop teaching skills…
Members are challenged to speak about their work through interactions with students…
Students are surrounded by a massive creative community…
Members support each other by sharing workshop skills, business skills and connections…
Members become successful and fly away to set up their own studio…
But always, I hope, they remain Fluxy at heart!
Who are we? Flux Studios!
We’re a specialist jewellery studio and jewellery school in London; we offer great classes and courses in jewellery making, and we provide access to facilities and networks through our membership scheme
Flux open studios summer jewellery showcase
Flux open studios summer jewellery showcase
Flux Studios Winter Sale at Vanguard Court
Must be time for Vanguard Court Winter Open Studios! Jewellery / Ceramics / Wood / Painting / Textiles / Furniture /Silver / Jewellery
(Did I mention Jewellery? Only the best in town)
Join us for mulled wine and seasonal cheer 🙂 🙂 🙂
Private View: Thu 1 Dec 6 – 8.30pm
Friday 2 – Sunday 4 December 2011
Jade, Pearls and Tea Sets
China – Dali Silversmiths
I’ve just returned from a trip to China and loved meeting silversmiths in Dali Old City, high up on a plateau in Yunnan, SW China.
Did you miss us? Take a tour now!
Artists on show include: Stanza, Sara Mark, Caroline Cary, Nic Webb, Kim Thornton, Annie Turner, Giuseppina Esposito, Victoria Ahrens, Judi Stark, Tatiana Orloff, Grant Aston, Merete Ramussen, Carina Ciscato, Chris Keenan