More great Jewellery Courses at Flux Studios. We are once again offering our special weekend Jewellery courses from our well equipped South London Studios. Because of a subsidy from the local council these two day short courses and family workshops are now being sponsored for the year ahead. Our weekend courses offer great value at £80 / £40 for local residents, and weekday jewellery courses are free!
Coming up is a 2 day intensive course for beginner / intermediate students – Casting Processes in Metal. This course is primarily for Southwark residents and is sponsored by Southwark Council, but a limited number of places are also available to non- residents of the borough.The course provides an exciting opportunity to experiment with a variety of approaches to casting, exploring cuttlefish casting, delft sand casting, and mould making with other materials. Using pewter as our metal for casting we will also look at ways to incorporate other materials into the cast.You may also work with silver if you wish, but you will need to bring your own metal.It is anticipated that you will produce a range of progressive test pieces which could form the basis of a charm necklace or bracelet.Techniques include: Cuttlefish casting, delft sand casting, acrylic / ply method of casting, silicon mould making; working with resistant materials to make prototypes for mold-making.
Book your place online