Gallery of Competition Entries – Inspired at Flux 2014/15

Welcome to the gallery of competition entries for ‘Inspired at Flux’ 2014/15

We were astounded and delighted this December (2014) by the range and quality of  work you submitted for our now annual competition Inspired at Flux.

It didn’t make the judging easy, and we had some heated discussions!

Take a look at these Inspired competition entries 2015. See if you can guess who we chose.

At the bottom of the page you will find a link to our shortlists, and from there you can find links to the winners…



See our Shortlists for the Inspired 2015 competition categories

If you need to jump straight to the winning entries, take a peek at this link

The original gallery of images, along with descriptions, can be found on out Facebook page here

We hope that you also find these works inspiring; if you are new to jewellery making perhaps you could try your hand at this ancient craft? Several of the pieces you see here have been made by people just starting out. Check out our next round of courses here

If you are a maker and have not yet shown the world your creations, perhaps this is the time to shine your light! Due to the overwhelming success of the Inspired competition 2014/15 we have decided to make this an annual event and you can find out more information here.

We look forward to seeing what you do!